GnomeKorea는 내가 처음으로 발을 담근(?) ?OpenSouceCommunity다. GNOME을 쓰기 시작한 건 훨씬 이전의 일이지만, 소극적인 성격과 ?OnlineCommunity에 대한 좋지 않은 기억들은 나를 머뭇거리게 했다. 그러나, GnomeKorea 사람들은 나를 따뜻하게 맞아주었고, 이젠 빼기도 쉽지 않을 정도로 깊숙이 발을 담그고 있다. 취향의 문제를 떠나서, ?fender님의 새 디자인은 멋지다! 또한, 계속 살아 있는 홈페이지가 될 것임을 의심하지 않는다. 지금 나는, GnomeKorea에 발을 들여 놓을 때부터 참여해왔던 웹 사이트 관리(혹은 운영)에서 한 발치 떨어져 서 있다. 언제까지나 뭉쳐있는 것만으로 다행인 GnomeKorea일 순 없다. 무엇을 해야 하나? 어떻게 해야..
?XMMS는 내 데스크탑에서 GTK 1.x를 사용하는 마지막 어플리케이션이다. 그리고, GTK 2.x, ?GStreamer, 그리고 ?RhythmBox의 등장으로 서서히 잊혀져 가는 느낌이었다. 그러나, 꼴통들은 어디에나 있기 마련이어서, ?XMMS 하나 때문에 GTK 1.x가 올라오는 상황이 싫고, ?GStreamer + ?RhythmBox의 무거움도 싫고, 결국 자기 스스로 우물을 파는 사람들이 하나 둘 생겨났다. 나도 그 중에 하나였고, 그 산물이 LiteAmp였다. 아직 완전히 내 손을 떠난 것은 아니지만, 스스로의 존재 가치를 찾지 못한다는 것은 이미 죽은 것이나 다름없다. 그리고, 한 쪽에선 우물을 새로 파기 보다는 ?우물 펌프를 붙여서 더 깊이 있는 지하수를 파 올리는 사람들이 생기기 시작했..
Nautilus는 앵무조개라는 뜻이지만, 내가 기억하는 Nautilus는 ?해저 2만리의 Nautilus이고, 신비한 바다의 나디아의 Nautilus다. 내가 기억하는 AndyHertzfeld는 IconBounce의 AndyHertzfeld다. GNOME 1.4 였나... 지금 생각하면 아득한 옛날 얘기 같다. Nautilus를 처음 보았을 때의 놀라움이란... 현란한 모양새에 놀라고, 참을 수 없는 속도에 놀라고, 어처구니없는 자원 사용량에 놀라고, 그림같은 설계에 놀라고, 무엇보다, AndyHertzfeld라는 크레딧에 놀랐다. 그가 아직 현역이라는 사실도 믿기 힘든데, 그 프로그램이 GNOME의 차세대 ?FileManager라니... 와! 내가 지금 AndyHertzfeld의 코드를 보고 있어!! ..
see 나의 주요 삽질 목표가 ?OpenSource, 그 중에서 ?Linux, 그 중에서도 특히 GNOME의 모양새였음은 분명하다. 의 ScreenShots들은 그 삽질의 기록이다. 그래서였을까? 오랜만에 방관자가 아닌 참여자로, 시장 바닥을 헤집고 다닌 기분이다. 내 생각은: 렌더러의 알고리즘도 중요하지만, 글꼴의 품질이 더 큰 비중을 차지한다는 것이다. 같은 글꼴로 렌더링한 결과른 보면 사실상 거의 차이가 없다. XP에 새로 추가되었다는 ?ClearType을 쓴다고 해도 혜택을 볼 수 있는 사..
Posted by on 2003-09-19 09:36:52 If your system uses ?XFree86 4.3.0 or higher and you want to use a snazzy alpha-channeled mouse cursor theme, here's how you do it: 1. Create a directory in your home called .icons. This is the directory defined by the standards as the place for user-defined icon themes. 2. Place the cursor theme directory into ~/.icons. The di..
Posted by on 2003-08-28 11:21:07 세션에서 사용할 스플래시 이미지를 바꿔주는 ?NautilusScript: #!/bin/sh # this is to strip the newline off: FILE=`echo -n $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS` # use gconf to change the splash image: gconftool-2 --type=string --set apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image"$FILE" # alert the user that we're done: gdialog --title "Message" --infobox "\n Splash im..
Posted by on 2003-08-22 12:07:13 GNOME 2.x에서 메뉴를 내 맘대로 만드는 일은 꽤 복잡하다. ?GConf-fu와 ?GnomeVFS-fu가 깊이 관여하고 있어서, 이 두 시스템에 대해 조금 알아두는게 좋다. 주: 이 글은 사용자 한 명에게 적용되는 메뉴를 만드는 방법을 설명하고 있다. 시스템의 모든 사용자에게 적용되는 메뉴를 만들고 싶으면 GnomeAdminGuide를 볼 것! 먼저 몇가지만 짚고 넘어가면: GNOME 메뉴는 ?GnomeVFS와 연동되므로, applications/// URI를 사용해서 메뉴 트리를 조작할 수 있다. applications:/// URI를 요청하면, ?GnomeVFS가 시스템의 기본 구조를 찾아본다...
Posted by on 2003-08-15 18:59:18 I like the ?LighthouseBlue theme colors, but wanted to use the Bluecurve theme instead, so I made a ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file that looks like this: style "mydefault" { fg[NORMAL] = "#000000" fg[ACTIVE] = "#000000" fg[PRELIGHT] = "#000000" fg[SELECTED] = "#F5F5F5" fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#747474" bg[NORMAL] = "#EEEEE0" bg[ACTIVE] = "#CCCCC0" bg[PRELIGHT] = ..
Posted by simos74 at gmx Dot net on 2003-08-15 15:09:48 The instruction WWW site is: Found out about it from the work of the Bengali Linux User Group to test the upcoming GNOME 2.4, at
Posted by on 2003-08-15 15:03:44 ?MultiSync is a free modular program to synchronize calendars, addressbooks and other PIM data between programs on your computer and other computers, mobile devices, ?PDAs or cell phones. ?MultiSync works on any Gnome platform, such as Linux.'' Although I did not try it yet, it should be able to synchronise two Evolution installations. Thus, if yo..
Posted by on 2003-08-14 12:55:02 If you use a background image that has transparency (eg, a PNG or GIF file), then the background colour will show through the transparent areas of the image - this is fantastic for creating background images that are colour-independent. If the file has an alpha channel then the alpha channel works as well. There are a couple of backgrounds on ..
Posted by on 2003-08-13 21:06:12 Here is a little BASH script that changes the GDM theme with a random one (of course with one from the /usr/share/gdm/themes - so you should keep only the themes you like). You can put it for example in /etc/cron.daily Enjoy (!! the last two lines are in fact a single one but ...) #!/bin/bash THEME_DIR=/usr/share/gdm/themes THEMES=`ls -1 "$THEME_DIR..
Posted by on 2003-08-02 00:00:00 I got bored the other day and wanted to see if I could set up a way to randomly change the background image in GNOME from a directory of jpg files. After a bit of experimentation, I came up with this: gconftool -t str -s /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename "`find "$BACKGROUND_DIR" -name \*.jpg | random | tail -n 1`" It recursively searc..
Posted by on 2003-08-01 00:00:00 Straw ( is an excellent RSS aggregator for GNOME. RSS is a way of getting the headlines from news websites without having to open a browser and browsing to the site. Straw lets you subscribe to the news feed for a site, and then read the headlines straight from your desktop. To get Straw working on Red Hat takes a b..
Posted by on 2003-08-01 00:00:00 +(8)- If you've ever hand-written a desktop entry file, you'll know that each file contains an "icon=icon.png" line that specifies the image used. If you're writing a desktop entry file, you should try not to enter an absolute path for the icon. If you use just the base name of the icon (ie "gnome-gimp.png" instead of "/usr/share/pixmaps/gnome..
Posted by on 2003-08-01 00:00:00 gconf-editor is a program designed to give the user access to the guts of the gconf database. gconf is a system for storing user preferences. All the data is stored in XML files in a directory called .gconf. If you've ever played with the Windows Registry, gconf-editor should be familiar. The window is broken into two panes - one contains a tr..
Posted by on 2003-08-01 00:00:00 By default, Nautilus uses a directory called .desktop in your home directory. But it can be very handy to have the desktop show your home directory (NB: it is expected that this will become the default in a future version). To set your home directory as the default, run gconf-editor and browse to /apps/nautilus/preferences. Click on the checkb..
Posted by on 2003-08-01 00:00:00 If you often switch between GNOME and another window manager, for example Blackbox, there's no obvious way to have a common background image that's used for both. However it's not hard to craft together some shell code using gconftool to get the filename of the current GNOME background. Then you can use bsetroot or xset to set your background ..
Posted by on 2003-08-08 18:42:48 +(3)- Well i don't remember where did I read this little hack, I guess it was on Download a Splash image form or even better, make your own:-D Open the gconf-editor modify the next key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image If it is not set, create it. Set it to the path where your splash screen is. e.g. : /home..
Posted by on 2003-08-07 00:00:00 This is a short Perl script that can be used to set the desktop background in Nautilus. To use it, paste the code into a file in ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts and make it executable. Make sure you have the Gtk2-Perl libraries installed: get them from CPAN or #!/usr/bin/perl use Gtk2 -init; use File::Basename qw(basename); use st..
Posted by on 2003-08-06 00:00:00 It is quite possible to add your own shortcut keys to Metacity to run whatever commands you like. Let's assume we want Control-e to launch gedit for us. * Run gconf-editor (in rh9, at least, it is also available in the menu->System Tools->More System Tools->Configuration Editor). * Go to "Apps->Metacity->Keybinding Commands" Here we have a li..
Posted by on 2003-08-06 00:00:00 When Evolution shuts down it sometimes leaves a few daemons running in the background. If you're anal and want a nice clean "ps" output then you can kill these processes using killev. With the old Evolution 1.2 series, killev was placed in the path (eg /usr/local/bin/). For 1.4, it's now in $PREFIX/libexec/evolution/1.4/. killev is also useful..
Posted by on 2003-08-04 00:00:00 This is probably commonly known, but IMHO it should be set in the preferred application menu in gnome (my gripe over with :)). Anyway, using Gnome-2.2.2, to enable Evolution (or you're favourite mail client when you click on a link in Mozilla*, Galeon, Epiphany), add the following protocol handler: Gnome menu | Applications | Desktop Prefere..
Posted by on 2003-08-04 00:00:00 I've compiled a brief summary on how to have Earth rendered with realistic shadows (?XEarth) on your desktop. A small script does the trick, using gconf to set the background.
Posted by on 2003-08-03 00:00:00 Galeon contains a file called README.ExtraPrefs (Debian users: /usr/share/doc/galeon/README.ExtraPrefs.gz). This file contains a detailed listing of extra "hidden" preferences, such as behaviour on middle mouse button (gestures, scrolling, pasting...)
Posted by on 2003-08-02 00:00:00 A quite essential hack as this seems to be a frequently asked question. By default, Nautilus takes control over the desktop with icons and right-click-menus. Quite a lot of users don't like this, and used to disable this setting in the preferences with earlier versions of N. With Nautilus 2.2 this preference was removed from the gui. To disable this..
Posted by jan, on 2003-08-02 00:00:00 Some people want to use a different window manager that the one that is used by default (usually Metacity). It is quite easy to switch, and there's even a couple of different ways to do it. First, you can always look up and change the key in gconf using gconf-editor (see the hack about using it), but for this particular task, there's an even ..
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